Saturday, July 7, 2007

5 Year Old Wisdom

Went out with The Girls to celebrate Cheryl's birthday. The Girls consist of 3 female coworkers, one of their friends who I adore, and me. Jody is the mother hen, being that she's had the most birthdays out of all of us, but lucky thing looks not a day past 25. Her 5 year old son has to be one of the wittiest people on the planet. The kid has a gift and the comic timing to endear himself to anyone. I was a nanny at one point in my life. From that experience I realized that because of who they are children have an amazing ability to see the world much more accurately than our brains full of bias. So I would like to impart with you his wisdom.

The 5 Stages of a Relationship:
  1. You become friends.
  2. You hold hands.
  3. You kiss.
  4. You have a sleepover.
  5. You have cereal together.

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