Sunday, October 28, 2007

People, People Who Need People

People are essentially the same everywhere. Granted I'm limiting the context of this discussion to Americans, but really we are. Over the weekend I hung out with my friend from undergrad who's now at law school at UT. We had lunch, talked about life, got caught up, walked around the lake, and then we went to a party mostly of law students. The reason this all hit me was because of the conversations my friend and I had about people in our lives and what all is going on. I was sitting on the porch, sipping on my tonic and lime and was hit with the realization as another law student showed up dressed as Quail Man from the cartoon Doug, people really are the same everywhere. Every group has the annoying guy that gets drunk and loud. The couple that must be attached at the hip via Velcro. The shy nice guy that really wants to get the nerves to ask out the girl he's been attracted to the past 3 years of school together. The amateur expert that, although has no actual experience in the topic of discussion is still going to insist that her limited world view is a completely more logical argument that those that are learned in said areas of study or occupation. The list goes on.

Why this strikes me so right now is I'm really starting to like the boy from choir. He's adorable, sweet, has such a compassionate heart, and I shall end here for the list just continues to grow and I could crash the server if I expounded on all the things that make him wonderful. He's the perfect guy for me, but how am I for him? Normally at this point I would do something completely idiotic to sabotage any chance of a true relationship forming, but not this time. We shall continue to grow as friends and I will create no plan of contingency for what if he does or doesn't like me that way. We have plenty in common to become true friends and I hold those very close to my heart as I don't let many inside of the walls. My question for those of you who were at parties this weekend, socializing with all sorts of new people...I've read how you've "made new friends" is that possible in such a short amount of time? I won't call someone my friend until we've made each other happy and sad, cry from pain and cry from being curled up in the fetal position on the floor laughing together, hopped in the car and just drove somewhere to have some fun, shared a meal and a little part of ourselves that we guard so very closely. I guess this means while people can behave so similarly at times, we also need those who have those differences that we admire.

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