Monday, September 24, 2007

Geeks are sexy

Sorry for my extended absence. I recently spent a week in the hospital getting over a rather nasty case of pneumonia. Still stuck a home for a bit longer until I'm all better. Since I'm stuck at home I've been watching way too much TV for any sane person and I've come to some realizations. Daytime TV sucks. The morning shows are boring, talk shows are lame, and none of the cartoons from my youth play on the tens of children's channels I have. The good thing is that since it's premier season I've been DVRing every show I think I might want to watch to give them all a fighting chance and watching them during the day. Then I will decide upon which ones I shall commit for the season and which I will put off until re-runs.

I have a bit of a crush on Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory. I think this mainly stems from the fact that his dry, quick, sarcastic humor mirrors that of the cute man I know and want to get to know better from the choir.

I was able to return to choir practice tonight. I didn't actually sing all that much, but I was able to mark my score and get more familiar with the pieces. I'm used to always memorizing my music and I think they usually don't do that here, but just so I'm most comfortable I want everything in my memory.

You probably don't know, but back when I was at the Big Baptist University I went to an evangelical church...some might call it a cult, but without the castrations and mass suicides. Once they found out about my homosexual proclivity (and the fact I was living with my boyfriend at the time) they quit inviting me to functions and what not. I was essentially kicked out, but never told in so many words we don't want you here. Their actions were loud and clear. I attempted to attend a few other churches in the area and it went OK, but I was just not comfortable anywhere I went. I need to figure out my own faith and beliefs, not someone else's. Since that time I've called myself a protestant-agnostic. There's some sort of being out there and s/he may or may not have any direct interaction with my life. This all leads up to the fact (and I have Hottie Engineering guy to thank for this) that I'm more comfortable with the thought of attending an organized religious service. Nothing any near where I was at school or growing up in Houston, but something that incorporates more spirituality than dogma. The church the choir practices in seems to have this. They are a reconciling Methodist congregation. I think mom and dad would be happy with this as they were themselves Methodist until they fell off the wagon and joined the crazy people. So I'm going to head to church this Sunday. Wish me luck.

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